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Trump Spokesperson Suing Jan. 6 Panel Over Banking Records Subpoena

Budowich has sued the Jan. 6 panel over defamation charges. It is said that he is doing this to block the board from seeing his bank records. He told the media that he had provided the panel with 1,700 pages of documents and also testimony as per the legal orders. 

But in the words of the Panel: “solicited a 501(c)(4) organization to conduct a social media and radio advertising campaign to encourage people to attend the rally on the Ellipse.” They believe that Budowich somehow got hold of $200,000 from hidden sources. For which they’ll be requiring his bank records.

But he is not ready to grant them what they’re demanding. Instead, Budowich filed a lawsuit against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and JPMorgan Chase. He believes that there is no need for him to present his confidential data in front of the Panel, “lacks the lawful authority to seek and to obtain.”

He also said that the documents he gave the committee were relevant and enough for the investigation. 

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